
Welcome my personal site

Riunirsi insieme significa iniziare
Rimanere insieme significa progredire
Lavorare insieme significa avere successo

The Real World

point of internet view

what am i

Day by day I try to improve my knowledge

Cyber Security

My studies and my work have always been oriented towards computer security and is the practice of defending computers, servers, mobile devices, networks and data against malicious attacks.

SOC and Global SOC Designer

I have always worked to improve the efficiency of IT security for important customers both in the military and for very important enterprise customers in the world.

Presales Engineer

My experience as a presales engineer allowed me to see in depth the knowledge of some products and of the vision of the company I worked for.

Security Project Management

As a project manager, I managed the technical changes and their integrations, given the pace of technological advances that are increasingly advanced, combined with an influx of increasingly sophisticated security threats and attacks, as well as the need to respect privacy laws and safety protection standard.


It is one of my main passions, my work always leads to finding solutions quickly.

Vulnerability Assessments & Penetration Tests

I have participated in numerous exercises where I have dealt with hardeing systems and discovering new vulnerabilities. This persuaded me to improve my knowledge of Cyber security.

My Certification

The certifications are not titles but opportunities to increase knowledge.

Main vendors

Vendor for whom I worked on their technologies

I computer sono incredibilmente veloci, accurati e stupidi. Gli uomini sono incredibilmente lenti, inaccurati e intelligenti. L'insieme dei due costituisce una forza incalcolabile.”

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Albert Einstein theoretical physicist

L'unico modo di fare un ottimo lavoro è amare quello che fai. Se non hai ancora trovato ciò che fa per te, continua a cercare, non fermarti, come capita per le faccende di cuore, saprai di averlo trovato non appena ce l'avrai davanti. E, come le grandi storie d'amore, diventerà sempre meglio col passare degli anni. Quindi continua a cercare finché non lo troverai. Non accontentarti. Sii affamato. Sii folle..

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Steve Jobs co-founder ,Apple Inc

Io sono stato fortunato a lavorare per una rivoluzione alla quale Microsoft ha contribuito insieme a moltissime altre società, comprese Apple e Google. La competizione in questo miracolo del software ha influito molto sulla vita delle persone, e in positivo. Ma io non pensavo a comandare: mi sono limitato a mettere insieme al meglio gli ingegneri e i tecnici, per svolgere un lavoro innovativo.

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Bill Gates Principal founder, Microsoft

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Where to Find me

I work in Italy
My current city is Rome

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